I don’t need no opposable thumbs!

“I do just fine on my own.
When my piggie gets stuck under the coffee table – I get right on it!”
(Sorry my opposable thumb gets into the video!)

Piggie is Truffles’s very favourite toy, and she most enjoys it when she hears it squeaking on the video – she runs to find piggie and to try to figure out why it is squeaking somewhere else when it is sitting gently in her mouth!

My gratefuls – That I had a few naps today – why is this time change knocking us for a loop? That it has been absolute perfection weather-wise for several days. That we get to go to the big island and I have a gluten-free shopping list from which to work. That I played with Truffles and the hair trimmer again! That Rudi found rice milk and coconut milk cartons at one of our markets.

~ by photokunstler on 10 November 2011.

4 Responses to “I don’t need no opposable thumbs!”

  1. Ruah went looking for her piggie when she heard the squeaks on the video! Love, Mar

  2. Funny!!
    Those piggies hold quite the attraction for our silly dogs, eh? 🙂

  3. Thank you for sharing Ms. Truffles and the Piggie this morning! I always love seeing her in action…

  4. They’re very silly, SS, both Truff and the piggie! 🙂

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