when we get a storm…

we really get a storm!!

They said that Hurricane Irene was nothing compared to the destruction from an unnamed tropical storm that came just after her, which dropped so much rain in so short a time that it loosened soil and trees lost their grip and fell.

And then, from that point on this area got more rain. Weeks of rain. I think that in the two weeks we’ve been home, we’ve had four days of magnificent and gorgeous sunshine. And it looks like that’s the forecast for quite a while – sun and fun!

But when the NE USA had a storm that dumped snow on trees and electric lines, we had torrential rains. It was a very big storm – it went to Florida and caused horrible flooding there. The big island had areas of flooding too. We stayed home.

We had scheduled a trip to Marsh Harbour. I can’t imagine what the ferry ride would have been like! It isn’t as if there is a lot of shelter on the docks, either, for people waiting for the ferry. We couldn’t even see the ocean most of the day!

The rain poured off the roof. Friend Mar would call this “sheeting.” It came in sheets.

This huge pot filled within minutes.

And we watched the clouds blow in, and blow out…

It moved, albeit slowly, up the coast of Florida and away from us. But not before a lot of cisterns were overflowing!

My gratefuls – That my house is intact and snug and warm in stormy situations. That Rudi cancelled all of the appointments on the big island that day. That we have a great view of the changing weather patterns right outside our living room windows!

~ by photokunstler on 5 November 2011.

8 Responses to “when we get a storm…”

  1. I love the photo of the filled up big pot!!!!Be glad you didn’t go to MH on the day of the big rain. Check your e-mail for a photo from the day.

  2. That photo of your granddaughter floating to town is just amazing, Mary!! (And sorry for calling you Brigitte!)
    We didn’t leave the house that rainy day, so I had no idea what was going on on the roads here!! Wow.

  3. You’re right – that’s what I call sheeting rain! Love, Mar

  4. I knew it!! 🙂

  5. Wow! I’ll take a warm rain over cold anything any day.

  6. We would too SS – but this wasn’t exactly warm! It has been about 24-25C here, so that’s about 78F in US. Not cold, but you wouldn’t want to dance in it for too long!

  7. The powers that be didn’t even name this a tropical storm – although a neighbour’s wind meter clocked it at 64 mph. And it was that windy for days. Noaa was falling down on the job, or maybe they thought that it would go away, if they didn’t mention it… really disconcerting not to have any information when it was so badly needed.

  8. I can imagine! Maybe NOAA was tired, since it was such a busy year for storms.
    Everyone is amazed they missed that one, Brigitte.

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