our first journey south to check the roads and beaches

Wednesday was the first afternoon we had a chance to hop on the cart and check out the roads and beaches south of us. When your wee cay is just 5-6 miles long, it doesn’t take too long.

But wow.

We started at our beach. Meghan had asked for some photos because Hurricane Irene sort of dramatically removed sand. She redeposited it elsewhere (I will show you that another time), but she most definitely lifted sand.

I’d told people we now have to parachute down to the beach. It wasn’t far from the truth!
This is our neighbour’s house, and our beach path (and former steps) are just to the left, where our golf cart is parked (how good are your eyes?).

Quite cliff-like! And the corner of our neighbour’s patio is sort of dug out.

Our beach is wider now. For a while. Mother Nature giveth and she taketh away, so we’re waiting for her to put back our sand!
This is looking north.

This is looking south.

We have a two-lane road that is pretty high up, and very narrow. The Sea of Abaco is on one side after a narrow swath of land, and the Atlantic is right there on the east side without a swath of land.

Well, it is a one-lane road now –

The palettes are to keep people from going over the cliff. And this silly girl had to check it out!

You’ve always reached this beach, which contains one of our surfing spots, by going down a pretty steep hill of sand. But now the hill is seriously and intensely steep. This is looking north, surveying the road damage.

It was a grey and windy day. We’ve had rain all but one day this week. The cisterns are full to overflowing!

The dunes will be replanted with sea oats and other flora that will reach its roots into the sand to stabilize it. Although when you have a visitor like Irene…

My gratefuls – That buildings were safe, even if the foliage was not safe in Hurricane Irene. That I had a surprise visit from my artist buddies here – Mary, Brigitte and Joli! It was great fun. That I am having some fun trimming the long fluffy coat of Ms. Truffles. I’ve always enjoyed cutting things with sharp scissors and now she is my latest victim model.

~ by photokunstler on 28 October 2011.

2 Responses to “our first journey south to check the roads and beaches”

  1. I am happy the damage was not worse. Looking forward to your photos as the beach re-evolves.

  2. Me too, SS! 🙂

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