Rudi’s off to Vancouver today

He has a few errands that can only be done in that massive city – thank you Apple for your generosity!

He’s leaving on the big ferry very early in the morning.

Dropping off Truffles first with her grandparents so she can have a day with them.

Threading his way around the Gulf Islands to the mainland of Canada.

And after his Apple errand – he’s meeting his daughter, Alexa, for brunch. She’s in law school now and has been just about too busy for a visit, so this works perfectly.

I think they’ll enjoy the time together!

My gratefuls – That I will have a painting to show you tomorrow of my very own Hydrangea. That I have a day to myself today! That Meghan found a great deal on snow tires. That Meghan’s friend, Robi, was a huge help to her. And that Rudi and Alexa will have some nice time together.

~ by photokunstler on 15 October 2011.