the colours of autumn

This is the time of the year that Canada really shines!
And, as I’ve said, BC is okay for fall colours, but Ontario is exceptional!

Here is BC –

Here’s Ontario –

Lots of colour. This is at what was my favourite house when we lived in Canada.

Here’s our heron.

Isn’t it lovely?

A time of pumpkins and scarecrows.

The variety of colour is just wonderful.

A small part of Quebec is attached to the part of Ontario where we lived (well, separated by a river) – and their colours are lovely as well.

These photos were shot in Gatineau Park, a gorgeous and massive park – 363 sq. km.


Autumn is definitely my very favourite season. I love it in Canada, and I love it in the Bahamas too, though it is very different there.
But I have vast romantic visions of a Canadian autumn in my heart. Hiking in Gatineau, wearing corduroy, warm vests or beautiful cable-knit sweaters, cooking rich and delicious soups, baking bread and rolls, coming into the house on a brisk afternoon and holding a mug of hot chocolate in your hands, sitting before the fire with family… Sigh.

My gratefuls – That we get to experience a little bit of crisp air and chilly nights and coloured trees before we head home to the Bahamas. That I am enjoying the Scottish shortbread. That I have another watercolour lesson today. That Green Wasabi is open from Tuesday to Saturday, so I can get some of their really good miso soup. That Meghan comes in 2.5 days. That Rudi heads to Japan in 3.5 days and has my shopping list of Japanese convenience store goodies to bring home. That last night was Hawaii 5-O night! 🙂

~ by photokunstler on 4 October 2011.

9 Responses to “the colours of autumn”

  1. Ah, the post I was waiting for…..absolutely stunning photos Patty. *sigh* I could die happily in such surroundings 🙂

  2. That heron is our neighbour too… we see him in the Bight of Tilloo a lot, in fact, he just flew by!!! LOL! Wonderful photos, Patty, thanks for sharing them. There was only one thing wrong with autumn and that’s the fact that it leads into winter. I always hated fall as a kid in Germany – couldn’t stand the cold. Now I love it because it gets us into cooler weather and a little further away from the danger of hurricanes. Lucky you, having the best of both worlds!
    Have a great day with a watercolour lesson today!

  3. This is a cold-weather heron, Brigitte! He liked it when we put 100 minnows into our pond!

    I have always loved fall except when I was teaching and had to go back to school. And the kids think they’re the only ones dreading that!
    I can handle the fall weather because in our case it leads to Hope Town! And not winter, although I totally romanticize winter too! 🙂

  4. I thought of you, Munira, when I collected and posted them. You have to understand that when the leaves are turning those colours the temperature is a bit different than the one you’re used to! And as Brigitte says, it leads to COLD! But then that can be nice too, that rhythm… as long as I head to the Bahamas before it gets too too bad.

  5. You are so funny – cold weather heron indeed! Ours must be a warm weather heron then?
    And as long as you go to WARM before it gets too COLD – LOL!

  6. Yes, the fascinating warm- and cold-weather herons. 🙂
    And yes, it won’t be too cold and we’ll be home. We leave here in 17 days.

  7. smileyface….

  8. very nice!

  9. Thank you, Suzanne!!

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