a lovely Saturday in Victoria!

We had planned to meet friends Amanda and Denis for lunch. They’d earned it!
And we never had met Denis. We had to check him out to see if he was good enough for Amanda. She’d met him at a wedding in Ireland and brought him home, kind of like a puppy. (Although she did know his sister for a decade before she met Denis.)

So we met at the Pink Bicycle. That’s a place where we tend to go in downtown Victoria when we’re visiting. And it was on Amanda’s recommendation that we first tried it. I fell in love with their spinach, blue cheese, candied pecans and pear salad. Which I couldn’t have today. The tummy dictated otherwise.

So – first the important parts. The food. Rudi says the universe is messing with my tummy to teach me to let go of my attachment to food, that I can’t be a foodie anymore.

I ordered a large truffle fries. They rubbed them on our dog, Truffles, to give them that je ne sais quoi.

Denis had a mutton burger with bacon and a fried egg! No, don’t look at Denis yet! We’re talking food.

Here’s his burger without the distraction. Amanda just had the mutton burger.

And Rudi had bison, hold the bread.

I had the soup, thinking it relatively safe. It stayed in my stomach a few hours, too.
It was potato and smoked cheddar. The smokiness of the cheddar kind of overwhelmed the soup, and it was salty to boot. A shame. I also had a natural ginger ale.

Okay, here are the lovebirds!

Want to hear a romantic story?

Denis had a dress design in his head, or maybe on paper. He had reckoned it would be for the woman of his dreams. And, when he met her, he’d have it made for her.

Very simple, but elegant – black crocheted lace with a black slip underneath, and that great angle on the bottom!

Not quite Cinderella, but definitely a fairytale! Aren’t they a lovely couple?!
(Oh, we approved of Denis.)

When we left their wonderful company we hit the Dutch Bakery. I bought Rudi’s family a Dutch apple cake, and bought Rudi’s mom and myself our favourites. Tune in tomorrow! 🙂

Then went to Opus. I think I prefer the nice little Island Blue in Sidney. But it was good to see Opus nonetheless.

And to round out a perfect day – my car. My car! My British Racing Green MGB-GT. I bought it in college, I loved it more than anything on earth. I slept in the back at times! What a treat to see this zipping through traffic. The Mazda Miata, my last sporty car, was modelled on everything good about the MGs. And nothing bad (like the electrical systems!). Sigh…

Forgive the camera shake – I made Rudi chase him.

I am grateful that I got to see a BRG MGB-GT. That we had a great meal with friends that we really enjoy. That Denis is very fitting for Amanda. That I had some truffle fries. That I got what Brigitte needed at Opus. That I picked up some sketch pads at Michael’s and Opus. That I bought lots of paint for when I am home and don’t have access to an art supply store. That I got to have two soaks in the bath today.

~ by photokunstler on 2 October 2011.

10 Responses to “a lovely Saturday in Victoria!”

  1. Denis is cute – but so is Amanda and the dress is a dream. She brought him home like I brought The Donald home to Hilton Head all those years ago – he was my souvenir from Hope Town!
    I tend to chase after a ’66 Beetle that way…I brought mine from Germany and it was a family member for 20 years. Then I gave it to Angie and she had it for another 5 years until it finally fell apart – sob sob.
    Oh, I am so green with envy about going to Opus….if we ever get across again I’ll insist on going to every single art supply store in town. Thanks for getting my stuff!!!
    Hope your tummy behaves!

  2. They’re a wonderful couple!! And those are some souvenirs, ladies!! 🙂

    I had a beige Beetle, named Benjamin, that was my first car. Rudi’s family had one too – up way north in the cold in Canada, where the tires would freeze square when it sat and they had a heck of a time starting it. I loved Benjamin, and he was replaced by that MGB-GT!

    I love art supply stores. Always have. I love pens and paper (I bought 3-4 sketch pads yesterday!) and that has been for as long as I can remember. My dad used to visit me all the time, and in his internal suit pocket he’d carry his pens, and he’d always have a few from which I could choose. And markers and yesterday I wanted pastels and mats and I did get some graphite paper and it is just too much fun!!

    Rudi says we (meaning you and me) should open a store, Brigitte. What do you think?

  3. What a perfectly lovely day! Denis did distract me from the food. And I disagree with Rudi, I think you need to embrace yumminess and stay a foodie. All those dishes looked amazing. Can’t wait to see what you bought at the bakery today.

  4. Denis is adorable! And with his Irish lilt – perfect! 🙂
    I disagree with Rudi too, but until my stomach agrees with me I find I still need to go easy. Oh well. This, too, shall pass.

    I can’t wait to see what I bought at the Dutch Bakery too! I am devouring it slowly. One bite an hour. Will see how the tummy takes to it!
    So that would necessitate getting out of bed and into the shower… Off I go!

  5. My 66 bug was named Max, I loved that car. And I can relate to the frozen tires, but the winter of 77 in Cincinnati, it was the only car that would start, and carry me anywhere, while other people had to wait for the snowplow.
    Tell Rudi he is nuts…we got too many other things to do – besides, if we selected it and had it for sale, it would no longer be such a wonderful surprise for us anymore – we would be jaded.

  6. Max! Mad Max?
    Maybe everyone used to have an old VW?

  7. More like Mad Brigitte!

  8. 🙂

  9. We had a great time with you both, too bad your tummy was angry with you after. Next time hopefully your tummy will be kinder.

  10. If it is, I will get the salad! 🙂
    Thanks Amanda!

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