how I spent my long weekend

Not my summer vacation.
Ever have to write one of those essays at the beginning of the school year?

Anyway, for the past three days we’ve held our annual Autumn School, for students who want to study more advanced topics in beautiful Sidney-by-the-Sea. And I must say that Rudi outdid himself this time! Wow…

Anyway, for our Registrar to “meet” some of these folks, I shot them! I will send their bodies to her.
No, just kidding! Here they are!

The more intimate group this year, but you know how the people who are supposed to be there tend to be there? For the most part these folks were amazing, and that makes us incited! And excited.

The lovely Daniela, already a graduate in Dynamic Blood Analysis and working on her diploma – soon to be earned, too!

Elsie is a wonderful friend who has been with us for a very long time.

Rudi and his hands (that’s how you can tell he’s talking!) –

Amanda and Lisa at rapt attention! Lisa is our 100th diploma earner!

There go those hands again!

Here’s beautiful Tammie, who is a graduate already a few years.

Our noob, Danielle. She hung in there like a trooper!

And Lisa once again.

And an amused Amanda. Or is she amusing? 🙂

My gratefuls – That the level of interest these past few days was amazing. That the quality of human who attended these classes seriously impressed us. That I stayed awake the one day even though I’d read Jane Eyre all night and slept only two hours. That Truffles had a good time with the grandparents and they tired her out for us again! That we now look forward to Winter School in five months, back home in Abaco.

~ by photokunstler on 27 September 2011.

11 Responses to “how I spent my long weekend”

  1. Wonderful photos, Patty. Rudi must be part Bahamian….I have more pictures of my husband talking with his hands – he cannot speak without waving them around at all.

  2. Do you have a link to the school that you could share? I’m curious. It sounds like you are feeling better! And i love Jane Eyre…when I was reading it a few years ago, I too stayed up all night.

  3. Brigitte – You know he also could be Italian! They talk with their hands as well. 🙂

  4. Yes, sure! has everything!

  5. Yes, like I am Italien because of my love for pasta! But maybe the Irish talk with their hands?

  6. And I most definitely am Japanese. Even though I am Scottish-Italian in reality!

  7. What a mixture that would be!!
    I am so very glad you are feeling better, Patty!

  8. I always said I am WopScotch!
    I am glad to be feeling better too. Still eating simple, good food. But then that might be a good idea anyway!

  9. Hi Brigitte, The Irish man in my life does not talk with his hands… he has no need to! They are loud when they need to be heard over other Irish (it is impressive how loud they can be without actually yelling)… thankfully when they leave Ireland some discover that they can talk quietly and still be heard. 🙂

  10. I will let Brigitte know your comment is here!

  11. Thanks, Patty!
    Amanda, mine does both – he waves his hands like crazy AND is extremely loud, even when he doesn’t need to be. Once or twice I actually held on to his hands, because i couldn’t hear what he was saying, and then he couldn’t continue talking…very strange.
    I noticed that all my Bahamian family and friends have that ability to be heard without having to shout. Maybe it has to do with learning to sing early in church – they know how to use their voice. I maybe all wet there, but all I can manage to do when I want to raise my voice is SQUEAK!!!

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