our little helper

Dear Truffles.

She loves to help. With big boxes…

And when we try to fold paper.

She can be patient too. Like when Rudi is working on the computer.

Well, not too too patient all of the time.

But with some encouragement, her level of patience will grow.

Especially if there’s a snack involved.

Rudi reciprocates all of her helpfulness by helping her out – chewies are much more easily devoured if you don’t have to hold them in your little paws! In fact, Rudi is in the process of designing a chewie that dogs can easily hold on their own. Watch this space. 🙂

My gratefuls – That the first day of the Hahnemann College for Heilkunst’s Autumn School, in Sidney, was fascinating. That we have a great group of students attending, too. And that we’ll all meet and share food on Saturday night. That I had a thin piece of the very lemon bundt, of yesterday’s post, and vanilla Haagen-Dazs, and then later a bit of coffee Haagen-Dazs, and I have survived. So far. That I am really enjoying reading Jane Eyre on my iPhone.

~ by photokunstler on 25 September 2011.

10 Responses to “our little helper”

  1. And if you had a kitty, he or she would be ON the computer – I see that Truffels is trying that too. Those are great shots, Patty! I laughed out loud, she wants to be a person, a grown-up person, sooo bad!

  2. I love Truffles as much as I love coffee Haagen-Dazs 🙂 and that’s saying a lot!
    I watched Jane Eyre the movie a couple of days ago (the one with Mia Wasikowska) and really really loved this version. What a story.
    As for stroopwaffles, I have a big Dutch connection :))

  3. Now that I’ve finished the book, Munira, I can see the movie. Or movies! But thanks for the recommendation on the version you saw. There are many! It is a great story. I finished around 4am this morning. I read until 2am, slept until 3:30am and woke again to finish the book. Now my eyes feel like sandpaper!

    Coffee Haagen-Dazs – heaven on earth! 🙂
    And it is good to have a Dutch connection if it means stroopwafels! Yum! And marzipan? On Oct. 1st we will be near the Dutch bakery here, and they have a marzipan cream roll… You’ll see!

  4. The Havanese breed is known for helping, Brigitte. Maybe they have some feline in their mix somehow! 🙂

  5. I’d never had a cat before – grew up with big dogs. In the 70’s, a gray cat selected our family to live, and she also wanted to help — with the paintings…there are still some of them with kitty prints on them in my inventory somewhere!
    Isn’t Marzipan from Germany – or am I just biased? it is made in Luebeck (sorry, no Umlaut) north of Hamburg.

  6. I’d love to see your paintings with the kitty input! That would be, or could be maybe sometimes, lots of fun!

    Marzipan is Dutch, of course! 🙂

  7. Dutch??? Well, I REALLY don’t give a fig (or better yet, almond) – its good, wherever it came from. My daughter Annette’s most favourite food, she’d kill for it.

  8. I don’t know really, but can research its origins. I know that Rudi’s mom and I adore marzipan, and that Rudi doesn’t like it at all. He’d beg and beg his mom not to put it into the Christmas bread every year!

  9. What a special little helper! Both of them! I am glad that you can eat a little more! ….RaeDi

  10. They’re both great. And I love them!!
    I am glad I can eat more too, RaeDi, but tonight I found a combination that did NOT work!! Oh well, trial and error! 🙂

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