the anniversary people

So it was our 14th, and the in-law’s 61st. It should have been their 65th or 66th or so, but they had a little delay in their plans when WWII decided to visit Holland.

This is a shot of my in-laws at a tearoom, White Heather, in Victoria. I didn’t really shoot them tonight since I can’t lift the good camera, and it was too dark for the iPhone. But these should suffice.

Aren’t they adorable?

Others in attendance included Rudi’s sister from Victoria.

And her baby.

Rudi’s younger sister from Sidney, of course.

We went to Pier One, one of the Greek restaurants in Sidney. These folks are regulars there.

We closed the place!
Not really. Some of us are too old for that sort of thing. πŸ™‚

Here’s an oldie but goodie, featuring my lover, his mom and dad, and little Meghan and Kelsey! Yep, at Pier One.
No, we’re not in a rut. Maybe.

I love these two… he will be 92 next month, she will be 95 next May. Amazing people. Truly amazing.
And they made some pretty special kids, too.

Today I am grateful for a nice evening with people I love. For my two wonderful anniversary cards from my love. For the Chinese medical guy pushing some sore spots so my stomach hurts less. For unconditional love.

~ by photokunstler on 15 September 2011.

16 Responses to “the anniversary people”

  1. Love that last shot! Thanks for sharing your family with us today, it was great ‘meeting’ them πŸ˜‰

  2. The last picture speaks volumes…the bag he’s carrying says “Adventure”! Wonderful pictures, and why do the faces look so familiar?

  3. Rudi takes after his Dad. Thank you for sharing your lovely family. Wishing you all many, many more happy anniversaries.

  4. Thanks SS!
    And Rudi and Yolande (the younger daughter) are definitely their dad’s kids.
    And Rudi’s younger brother and older sister are 1000% their mom’s kids!

  5. They’ve been on an adventure together for over six decades. I guess they look familiar because they’re Rudi, in many ways!

  6. Thanks Munira. They’re good people. Not at all like my family! πŸ™‚
    Just kidding.

  7. They don’t only look like Rudi, but his family resembles a lot of folks in my early life. I did tell you that my father’s family came from the part of Germany closest to Holland, and I was born and raised there. In fact our dialect there, “Platt Deutsch”, is so close in language, that people can understand each other.

  8. Very interesting, Brigitte!! You will have to try to talk Platt Deutsch with Rudi!!

  9. I never learned to speak it, its a very complex language, and somehow I was just never interested ienough to hang out with the country folks to learn. I do understand it (or did some years back)
    Hope you are feeling better and better!

  10. Better every day! Thanks Brigitte.

  11. Hahah! Nice one Patty πŸ˜€ And I forgot to wish you a happy anniversary and to tell you that I think you and Rudi make a great couple. Many happy returns!

  12. Thanks so much, Munira!!

  13. They are adorable! Rudi looked like his Daddy! What a lovely family and Happy Anniversary to all of you! ….RaeDi

  14. He sure does! Half of the family looks just like Rudi’s mom, and the other half just like his dad! Fascinating.
    And thanks for the anniversary wishes!

  15. Happy anniversary! Our own 25th is on Wednesday. I can’t wait!

    What a darling couple. Both couples, I mean. πŸ™‚

    Wow does Rudi look like his dad!

  16. That is wonderful, ilegirl!! Congratulations to you two too!!

    I went onto your blog to comment yesterday, but WordPress asked for my name and password, then wouldn’t accept it. Weird. But do take some anniversary photos for us.

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