ever had one of those days?

We have those days.

We have had more than a few lately.

You know what I mean, right?

You know about butt dialing?
What about butt picture-taking?
Apparently I did these two shots for you today.

Of what, I couldn’t tell you.

Sigh… Tomorrow is another day.

My gratefuls for Tuesday – that I got through patients without horrific pain. That I then got to paint with Ruth. and that Truffles is an amazing companion from midnight to six in the morning. Most especially that Rudi makes me great juices, smoothies and snacks and I love, love, love him, and have for 14 years today.

~ by photokunstler on 14 September 2011.

12 Responses to “ever had one of those days?”

  1. Happy 14th. anniversary today, you two! Are you going to celebrate then?
    Or, do you, like us, have 2 anniversaries every year – one for “the day we met” (St. Patty’s Day 1981 in HT for us) and another for the actual wedding day (July 3, 1983) We usually manage to celebrate the first and then forget the other.
    I love the butt photographs! And of course, Truffels so so cute, as always.
    Hope you are feeling better and better!
    Hugs and love to you, I miss my painting pals!

  2. Thank you Brigitte!
    Yes, we have 1995 and 1997! So 16 years, and 14 years for the “official” ceremony. Rudi proposed on a beach in Santa Barbara. And we head to Santa Barbara in three weeks!

    We will go out to dinner with Rudi’s family because – this is Rudi’s mom and dad’s 65th or something – anniversary! They inspired us to choose the date – seems like it works!

    Truffles is amazing. And My collarbone is better every day!
    Hugs and love too – your painting pals will slowly return again!!

  3. Am having one of those days, Patty. Two, actually. I look a lot like Truffles today, only with brown hair. I love love love the first butt-shot. It’s amazingly mo-dern.

    Happy anniversary to you both. You’ve been an inspiration to me that maybe I can find love that lasts someday.

  4. Oh my, SS! I hope you feel better soon. How will the world go-round if two of us are down and out?

    You know what? I never thought there was love. I mean, I knew the stories and all, and had the settle-for kind the first time around. And I wasn’t looking at all. And I was sceptical anyway. And then there was Rudi. It totally blew me away, and I would say to ALWAYS hold out, because it does exist, it is real, and it is amazing (most of the time, like any good relationship with growth!).

    Hope you feel better soon. Or I will send Truffles down there to sleep on your bed.

  5. What a great day, y’all are having anniversaries together. That sort of simplifies things, doesn’t it, but wow, 65 years? That’s awesome. Hug and kiss everyone, and have a wonderful time.
    I know, you guys will come back, but it’s taking you all a loooong time.

  6. It was nice, at a Greek restaurant in Sidney and Rudi’s sister and her son came, Rudi’s mom and dad and then Rudi’s other sister too. My in-laws would have been married longer if that little WWII didn’t delay their lives a bit.
    It has to feel like a long time before we’re returning. It will happen though! Just won’t know how to get my art supplies back with me!

  7. Happy anniversary!

  8. Thank you ilegirl!!

  9. I’m just grateful that Huz makes me tea every day, morning and evening….snacks, not so much. I need to build his confidence in that regard. Sometimes it’s hard to believe he’s 6 years older than me! Haha!
    Sending good vibes for that collarbone and good wishes for your anniversary. Hope it was lovely! And I hope you’re well enough to enjoy Santa Barbara to the hilt in 3 weeks time.

  10. From your lips to God’s ears on the Santa Barbara sentiments!

    And I am fortunate that during the summers off from university, Rudi worked in breakfast restaurants and a taco house – cooking! So he pretty much cooks most meals for the last few years, since the strange transition from Canada to the Bahamas (after which I promptly got weird sick symptoms, all emotional of course!). He wakes me in the morning with juices with coconut water. It works for me!

    Maybe Huz can get a summer job in a restaurant. Oh, darn, summer’s over. But I think that gave Rudi loads of confidence, and I am one of the beneficiaries.

  11. There is something incredibly sexy about a man who can cook….. 😉 You are very lucky to have him…..but you know that already 🙂
    Huz makes amazing aaloo gosht…..on very rare occasions…haha!

  12. I agree Munira, a million things like this make Rudi amazingly sexy. And yeah. I am very lucky!!
    But I have to say that Rudi doesn’t make aaloo goshi! He was born in Indonesia, so he can make some interesting dishes.

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