Sidney Summer Market, part two

I’ve just seen a calendar that says there is one more market day, but I don’t know if it is true. If it is, I may try to go without the dog and to try things, like the fudge!

I LOVE cotton candy. And I didn’t have any. Add that to this week’s list, if there really will be one more day.

Serape anyone? I actually think that Rudi’s younger sister, Yolande, met this man, because she did give us two Mexican blankets a few years ago.

Photos on clay. Interesting concept that we didn’t explore because Ms. Truffles was having a nail trim.

Not very happily. The lady doing the trim said she’d have known Truffles is a Havanese just by her green eyes!*
* Havanese have black or brown eyes, and aren’t ever supposed to have green eyes.

I don’t love harsh sunlight on pretty flowers.
Though I could have shot this from the back… if there weren’t vendors and people and tables and boxes in the way.

Gluten-free raw sprouted vegans? No thanks!

The lavender people also have a store in Sidney, so we can stop in anytime. They even have lavender biscotti, which is pretty good.

Since the Straw Market in Nassau was sort of destroyed by Hurricane Irene this past week…

I thought that maybe people could come to Sidney now for their straw things.

Greek take-out. I’d do that. But here is where I sat on the curb, exhausted, with Truffles by my side, while Rudi stood in a ten-minute line to get me a bottle of water. Three blocks from our house.

And so we left the festivities. So did these people. Beacon Avenue was a zoo, but a fun zoo!

To cap it all off, WestJet did a fly-by.

I am thankful that we got word from our caretakers today, and our house is absolutely fine! I am thankful for great builders who make solid homes – of a much higher quality than in other places in North America. I am grateful for Rudi’s mom, who shared with us some of her homemade soup, which we had for dinner. I am grateful for Rudi, who tears Arches 140 pound cold press paper really well. And, as always, I am grateful Rudi is here to help me when I am not comfortable, and to talk turkey with me when I need to hear, um, turkey.

~ by photokunstler on 28 August 2011.

2 Responses to “Sidney Summer Market, part two”

  1. Street markets are wonderful fun and photo opps. No sprouted vegans for me either! Hope the turkey talk helped, and SO delighted that the house is okay.

  2. No, they’re too chewy for me!
    And if there is one more market day I am hoping for a nice overcast, to light everything evenly and to eliminate harsh shadows and bright spots. But there I go again trying to run the show…
    And yeah, turkey talk is never easy, but necessary!

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